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Carbon Minus India (CMI)
is not Just an Organization, But also a
School Of Thought

Neutral may be just OK, but certainly not enough – Says the Indian school of thoughts, where Eastern faith and believe differs here, with west. Every possible chances are there that, Out of 10, all ten will certainly not neutralize their emissions – may be maximum out of 10, 6 or 7 person will neutralize the emissions they are responsible for and other 3-4, out of them, will not – in addition, we have also kept on accumulating huge Green House Gases (GHGs) in our Earth’s atmosphere for last hundreds of years, since Our second and third industrial revolutions took place.. up to till date, than how to clear, all these deposits and retrieve our Planet now ? – It’s really a huge challenge today. Hence, at least, those who are coming forward, they have to do their bits, much beyond, - they would have to not only neutralize, but also do if not much more, - at least they should go for 1.5 times of the emissions, they are responsible for. We are responsible for our overall Consumption pattern over years, which in fact, have paved the way for the today’s Global Warming. Our excessive wasteful energy use and over consumption had brought rise to an alarming and difficult situation now, from where we need to look back and restore our wonderful blue Planet, we already, had with us in the past. Hence the Survival Strategy is very clear now – We need to adapt aggressive emission reduction Policies, so also the strongest possible ever climate actions to clear our own house i.e Only earth, we have with us right now, from our forefathers and have the moral responsibility of transferring it back safe to our Children.

Climate Change is occurring faster to fastest; being detrimental to global development efforts, in all possible directions, ultimately possessing a substantial threat to sustainability of mother earth. Climate Change today even risks, undermining the gains made in agriculture and food-security, health, water resources and infrastructure sectors; which again, could impede progress to a larger extend, hence resist towards meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is also affecting Countries like India and it’s dream of reaching double digit, inclusive all round growth, ensuring poverty reduction, is in such a crucial moment of history, when the nation is facing the peak of it’s development challenges. Temperatures in India are projected to increase more than 2 o C by 2050, resulting in yield losses, including many prime crop’s failure. An increased occurrence of extreme events such as droughts, floods and cyclones has started affecting the poorest segment of the society most, causing a significant loss of properties and lives. In the longer-term, a one-meter sea level rise would displace millions people in India 1 , and the costs to build walls along the zones, vulnerable to sea level rise are deemed to be prohibitive. Therefore, at this juncture of time, Carbon Minus India (CMI) strongly believes today that India must join in key global efforts to mitigate, adapt and moderate the adverse impact of the climate change, which is in fact, one of the prime national challenge for India, along with rest of the world.

At the macro scale, India is a low-intensity producer of CO 2e emissions, in comparison with rest of the world. Its’ per capita CO 2e emissions are among the lowest in the world with around much less than 2 metric ton (MT) per person. India also performs very well, when compared to other economies on the basis of CO 2 intensity on per capita GDP i.e. tons of CO 2 emissions per unit of GDP. India’s CO 2e intensity, particularly when measured using PPP, it’s GDP, is again among the lowest for “comparator” countries with significant aggregate CO 2e emissions and shares of coal (most carbon-intensive fossil fuel) in the energy mix. That, it is much lower than the United States, Russia, China, South Africa, Australia, and close to that of Japan.

Carbon Minus India (CMI), is a not-for-profit, public policy independent think tank and research organization; which is also an Indian Institute of Sustainable Development (IISD) initiative; established at the Capital City of India, New Delhi, for drastic curtailment of Green House Gases (GHGs), in the larger interest of man-kind for the survival of the earth from Global Warming and other adverse impact of Climate Change.

Carbon Minus India (CMI) is a again Centre of Excellence, engaged to evolve a strategic framework for India in identifying low carbon growth opportunities, as well as guide and facilitate a planned and scaled-up program to Government as well as Private initiatives, which would support to the on-going dialogues for establishing such a climate friendly development path for the country.

Carbon Minus India (CMI), is therefore is an Indian School of thought, which strongly believes and advocates that this is high time, we need to cut our Carbon-Emissions if not drastically, at least 1.5 times of the GHG emissions, We are responsible or even beyond; so that We can retrieve our ever-green earth. Just neutralizing our portion of emissions, in isolation, is hence not enough. So this could be called Carbon Minus, i.e. going aggressive for GHG-Reduction, instead of Carbon Plus or Carbon Neutral like, they tell it in west. Hence, CARBON MINUS’ is not Carbon Negative, rather higher Carbon Positive – It is a movement or School of Thought itself, for aggressive GHG Emission Reduction.