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Carbon Minus India (CMI)
They Said It
Climate Change is real. To mitigate climate emergency now, strongest climate actions is the need of the hour.
- UN Secretary General, António Guterres
“Mitigating in a cost-effective manner can only be achieved through an enhanced international climate change regime. Large-scale development, deployment and commercialization of existing and new clean technologies, as well as stringent end-use efficiency standards, are an essential part of a package that can lead to significant emission reductions. A comprehensive package on the way forward, needs to be urgently launched at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Bali in December this year.” |
- Former UN Secretary- General Ban Ki- Moon |
“Carbon is every where in every one’s life, but there are some well known examples of how you can minimize your carbon consumption.” |
- Al Gore,
Former American Vice President |
“We are well on track to meet and currently projected to exceed the resident’s 2002 Goal of reducing U.S green house gas emission intensity 18% by 2012. US green house gas intensity declined by 2.5 percent in2005 much faster then the average decline of 1.9 percent over the 1990- 2005 period.” |
- Former U.S President George Bush Jr |
“The Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC), should implement schemes to raise the Plant Load Factor (PLF) level of key generating stations, to 90 percent or above, if it wants delegation of functional autonomy on par with NTPC” |
- Sh Anil Razdan. Former Power Secretary |
“IFC can help sellers of CERs, to realize a significant premium by guaranteeing delivery to buyers. Credit worthy companies can realize significantly higher carbon revenue and optimize share holders return.” |
- IFC’s Carbon Delivery Guarantee |
“If you want to bring your carbon commodities to market, and need to help in managing your energy and environmental risks, across the world through an integrated set of services; then completely rely on us.” |
- Cantor Co2e |
“Carbon emissions are to be slashed by 20 percent by 2020, which can go up to 30 percent as a part of an international agreement on the post 2012 climate change framework. We, the states and the governments, are not only agreeing on this emission reduction target but also having consensus for a collective increase of 20 percent in energy efficiency, 10 percent in use of bio-fuels and at least binding 20 percent target for the use of renewable energy sources.” |
- Ms Angela Merkel, Chancellor,
Federal Republic of Germany and Former President, European Council |
“There is no dearth of shortage of financial resources to reduce our carbon footprints. What we need to do now is to divert arms spending towards combating global warming; which will rightly address our recent security concerns.” |
- Stephen Harper,
Former Canadian Prime Minister at G8. |
“If the G-8 believe, that India and China do not deserve to develop on their own terms, they are wrong. The aspiration of the two most populous nations in the world, cannot be held hostage to the whims of G-8. If the developed nations can afford to spend such large amounts on their defense, they can also bear the cost of green technologies for the globe.” |
- Times of India, Editorial |
“In the upper reaches of Greenland, the arctic spring came several weeks earlier than it did a decade ago. Researches discovered that plants, insects and bird life native to high arctic region, had made dramatic seasonal cycle adjustments to the earlier snow melt of the area; and moved their spring time rituals- budding, emerging from the ground and hatching times forward two weeks in the period between 1996-2005.” |
- Study on impact of Global Warming on the Northern Polar Region, IPCC. |
“The EU stands ready to support India and concerned partner to reduce emissions in an economically viable way; which is known as EU- India initiative on “ Clean Development and Climate Change” agreed under Joint Action Plan.” |
- Mrs. Venita
Ferrero Waldner
European Union Commissioner for External Relations. |
“What is currently happening in Madagaskar, is a good illustration of what can happen in many countries as a result of Climate Change, with 6 cyclones, since last December 2006, Over 60 people dead and thousands forced to leave their flooded homes.” |
- Mr. Salvano Briceno,
Former Director UN International Institute of Strategy for Disaster Reduction(ISDR) at an UN world conference in Kobe, Japan |